
Taiwan Startup Stadium台灣新創競技場

Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS), a startup hub supporting early-stage startups to go global. We currently serve 200+ startup members, ranging from bootstrap to Series B, from AR/VR, SaaS, AI, to Fintech, IoT and so forth. Founded in 2015, TSS currently serves 200+ startups, with 100+ mentors, 500+ investors and 30+ corporations. In addition to a broad network of ecosystem players, we also provide solid coaching programs through extensive bootcamps, workshops & seminars to empower entrepreneurs to grow and succeed in their startup journey and build a startup ecosystem throughout Asia.

我們目前協助超過 200 家台灣新創團隊,領域包括 AR/VR、SaaS、AIOT、電商、金融和生醫科技等等。同時,我們與 100 多位國內外跨領域業師、500 多位國際投資人、以及知名加速器和企業合作,提供國際會展、商務夥伴、科技企業鏈結、投資人媒合等夥伴資源;並透過結合國際頂尖專家陣容,籌辦新創募資訓練營(Term Sheet Bootcamp)、國際參展行前訓練、以及一對一業師諮詢等計畫,協助新創進軍國際市場,打造亞洲地區互助互利的創業生態圈。