Cindy Chen

Regional Head of The Adecco Group
Taiwan and Korea

藝珂人事集團 台灣暨南韓區總經理

Cindy Chen joined the Adecco Group in 1993 and is now the Regional Head of The Adecco Group Taiwan & Korea. Cindy spent 27 years in Adecco Taiwan where her roles included Country Manager and General Manager of Adecco Staffing Business, Branch Manager in Taipei and Kaohsiung, and Consultant, playing a key role in expansion of Adecco's service market and restructuring of the business for both countries.

Cindy 負責旗下包括藝珂人事(Adecco)與躍科(Spring Professional)兩大品牌;於 1993 年加入藝珂並於 2003 年擔任台灣區總經理,2011 年成為東北亞總經理;在 27 年期間,成功重組藝珂業務單位,拓展藝珂在台灣人資市場領域,提升在台品牌知名度,成為台灣領先之人力資源服務機構。Cindy 曾受邀商業周刊、天下、遠見、哈佛商業評論、經理人月刊、Cheers、經濟日報、年代電視、公共電視節目等知名媒體專訪。