Emily Wu / 吳怡慈

Co-Founder at Ghost Island Media

鬼島之音 共同創辦人

WU is a content producer and writer with background in print media, video, and now audio. She’s been a part of award-winning documentaries, trend-setting animations, news, underground film festivals and branded projects. In August 2019, she launched Ghost Island Media, a podcast network that features breakout voices and brands in both English and Mandarin to the worldwide audience. There are currently five shows. Among them, “The Taiwan Take” is nominated for an Excellent Journalism Award in Taiwan; “Waste Not Why Not” is a certified circular economy solution by SITRA Fund. Emily has worked in Taipei, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Shanghai. She graduated from Wellesley College in the U.S.

吳怡慈為 Podcast 內容製作公司「鬼島之音」共同創辦人,專注於製作中英文原創聲音節目。此節目以台灣人的視角分析國際議題,並透過不同觀點挖掘隱藏故事。吳怡慈畢業於美國衛斯理大學,曾任壹傳媒集團旗下壹動畫公司的資深製作經理、中央廣播電台製作顧問、台灣公共電視執行製作等。專業包括:節目開發、製作、轉搞、主持、剪輯、數位媒體、經營管理等。